We are looking for an enthusiastic, passionate, drone and robotics engineer, ready and eager to push themselves in a friendly, cutting-edge technology company to deliver world-class autonomous capabilities.

At Archangel Imaging, you will be working alongside a fun, experienced, and forward-thinking team to deliver transformative AI solutions that help organisations with the sharpest needs like the MOD, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Network Rail better protect our service personnel, critical infrastructure, and first responders over large, remote areas. We work extensively with drones and robotics partners to create turn-key solutions using state-of-the-art technologies in our stack.

You will be joining a company that is enjoying great success. We are winners of the GENIUS NY program in New York, (the largest accelerator program for unmanned systems in the world). We have won several exciting development projects with key defence customers pushing the state-of-the-art forwards.

The Role

We are building mission-level autonomy for UxVs, enabling them to understand higher-level tasks and operate autonomously even in challenging environments where no GPS or other navigation signals are available. We use primarily visual means to achieve our goal and we are currently compatible with multiple drone platforms. Working in ROS, and coding in Python and C++, you will both deliver working UxV products and enable our platform to integrate with third party solutions by leveraging standard technologies such as MAVLink.

You will be working on both software and hardware to deliver the next stage of our drone autonomy product. You will be expected to take full ownership of your area, deliver a positive impact, and step up as needed to push for progress.

What will you be responsible for

  • Developing, optimising, and maintaining algorithms for our drone autonomy products using ROS
  • Integrating new sensors and AI-sourced inputs into the system and maintaining the interfaces to allow improved position estimation
  • Building the interfaces for communicating with UxVs, including third-party autopilot interactions
  • Establishing and automating testing procedures to ensure the stability of autonomy components
  • Continuous improvement of the performance and efficiency of the autonomy components
  • Close collaboration with the team to ensure full system visibility and functionality

You must have these to apply

  • A degree in Computer Science, Robotics, Electrical Engineering, or a related subject
  • A sound understanding of the fundamentals of drones and UxVs (sensors, actuators, control theory, navigation, autopilots, etc.)
  • Strong understanding of open-source protocols and frameworks commonly used in UxVs (MAVLink, PX4, Ardupilot, etc.)
  • Proficiency with Python and C++, experience working in a large collaborative codebase
  • Experience with ROS2 or ROS
  • Strong mathematical and analytical skills

Nice to have

  • Experience with computer vision based positioning and navigation in UxVs (Visual Odometry, SLAM)
  • Experience with simulation tools (Gazebo, X-Plane, Airsim, Unreal, etc.)
  • Familiarity with optical sensors and solutions
  • Experience designing and validating complex robotic systems
  • Basic rapid prototyping skills (PCB design, CAD, 3D printing, etc.)
  • Familiarity with edge-deploying code on low SWaP computers
  • Demonstrated delivery of functioning robotic systems

By joining us, you'll have

  • The ability to make a measurable difference in the creation of cutting-edge technology in a rapidly growing start-up
  • Fast-paced environment with a world-class, positive, talented, and high-achieving team
  • Forward-thinking, supportive culture with company retreats and strategic alignment
  • World-class growth opportunities and training resources Including self-development days and training to be a drone pilot
  • Merit-based compensation
  • 5% employer pension contribution
  • 25 days holiday + UK bank holidays
  • A variety of perks that are evolving: Free Monday team lunch, Cycle2work scheme, plus many more in the works!
  • Relocation support: This role is supported by AI Futures Grants, a UK Government scheme designed to help the next generation of AI leaders meet the costs of relocating to the UK. AI Futures Grants provide financial support to reimburse relocation costs such as visa fees, the immigration health surcharge and travel/subsistence expenses. Successful candidates for this role may be able to get up to £10,000 to meet relocations costs, subject to terms and conditions.

Security clearance

Due to the sensitive nature of some of our work, it would be beneficial for candidates to be able and willing to obtain and maintain the necessary security clearance for this role.

Location – Osney Mead, Central Oxford.

We thrive on being a tight-knit team! As a Robotics Engineer, you will be working with both our hardware and software platforms and access our lab in Oxford regularly.


Apply now and someone from our HR team will get back to you ASAP. The usual process includes a screening call, a quick live coding test, and then a meeting with more of the team to get to know each other. That’s it!

Sound interesting? Apply now and join us in making the future 🚀